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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0793c122.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1994-02-16  |  1MB  |  1212x852  |  8-bit (237 colors)
Labels: book | box | grandstand | laptop | poster | reckoner | shelf | sky | skyscraper
OCR: 93RANK CITY THRE TOP TAURANT: BREARFAST RESTLUNCH KEPTSECRET TIPSAND TACTICS 90 rant Critic Phone numbar. 'dinner ter parson/type offood Phone number/hreskfast. tunch or dinner per person/type offot NEWYORY Aureale Gatharm Bar &Grl Yong TOACS Manhattan Plaza Cafe Sarabethst Aqusvit [downstairs] Roseinarie': Bargainsoxutsicke Manhalls : P Thai(718-651-7024$35)in David Posengarten 212-318-1660/$60/AF 2 2-620-4020/$55/a 212.486-9592/$45/TF 212-219-8570/$30/MO 212.695. -5808/S17/A 212-410-7335/S11/A 212-307-7311/$40/sc 212-285-2610/S45/l Qucens Tomm9sn's(718-236-9883/$35j in Brooklyr SANFRANCISCO Chez Panisse Masa': Ritz-Cariton LuL Medioave I Famain Sing1 Helmand snew 1 MarketRestaurant [415-773. Patrisia Unte:mar 510. 4B-525/$50/CA 800-258-7694/$G83/ 415-296-7465/545/ 415-4955775/$19/ci 415- ...